Date: 25 Nov 2009, Wednesday
Weather: Good
Bridal House: Ideal Wedding
Makeup Artist: Jess
Photographer: George
As usual, no panic, no excited... I was slept at 11+pm last night. We arrived the bridal house around 10am. Jess was there. No more chatting, Jess started to help me for make up.
1. The ampule that I brought was too oily. Jess advised me not to use it and let apply for Alfonso. Well, I just follow what she suggested... get the ampule from her. Total ampule was used = 3 bottles! 1 for face, 2 for body/shoulder. So I better buy 4 free 1 from her.
(after: I think no need ampule for body... feel kena tipu... but it is ok for me... no try no gain
2. Jess needs put 2 fake eyes lash for me. Ok, I have no objection. 2 eyes lash cost me RM40.
3. My tear keep on coming out because I'm not use to put something on my eyes. I need to take an hour to used to it and control it... my eyes looked red. Jess finished it around half an hour, so fast... professional... (?) To me, it just look so so.
For Makeup and Hair stylish, what I need to complain are:
(a) The foundation is not good enough. Maybe for them is PASS.
(b) I requested to cover my small black scar. Well, she just put the cream to cover it without 补粉 on top of it. I still can see it if I get closer to the mirror. Well, she said this can edit. Yes, I agree. Now's technology so advance... photo can be edited as long as you feel satisfy it. That's why the makeup artist will not help you do 100% on it... because photo can edit if you see that your skin does not look fair enough... so they no need to apply too much foundation for you... as long as your eyes are look bigger enough. This is what I guess from their point of view.
(c) Get closer to the mirror... I encountered that my eye brows was looked not balance. up down, short long... It's ok if you not look it closer. But, as professional... it should not happen! I really feel that she so 'cincai'!
(d) Sponge needs to charge me for RM10... for what? I'm not sure. I think is for the body foundation. Well, now I think back... after photo shooting, Jess asked me what shape of sponge do I prefer... square or circle? Jess is prefer circle. She is professional so I better follow her preference, take circle but circle was no more stock, they will give me when I come next time. I have doubt of this sponge but I can't find out what is the problem on that moment. After payment, I only realized that why she give me the new sponge? Just now makeup I did not use that sponge? If yes, why she needs to charge me the sponge cost? They only should charge me if I did use that sponge and just pass me the sponge that I already used and not take the new sponge for me. I need to find out the answer for my next visit. I don't mind that RM10... it is because of the honest.
(e) Cherlyn told me they will cover my unbalance skin color between my shoulder and hand with body foundation during the gown fitting. Well, Jess only apply the body foundation for me with '1 layer'... damn, the unbalance skin color still can be seen so obverse. Again, it can be edited... that's why. If this is the case, what for for the body foundation? I know it has shinning and bright effect... but this effect can be added in photo. I do not need to buy it, right? what they say and do are not what I'm thinking. (I'm gaining experience)
(f) I'm trying to give my suggestion on my hair style. Jess said it is not suitable for my gown. Yes, I agree. She is professional... knows it more that me. Well, we need to creative and 'innovative'... cannot everything also same as what we used to do in last time. This hair style is very subjective... some say it's good... some can say it's not good. Anyhow, I need creative... not follow the old style. Fine, I can't do much on it.
What I can praising are:
(a) Jess also did try to fulfill my request such as
- I prefer the hair accessory looks obverse. For the outdoor, she tried to find the bigger one as I mentioned but she does not have it. End up, she gather more flower and make it looks bigger.
- For outdoor, she was asking me want fake long hair or original short hair. She tried to give me opinion and end up I want long hair.
- For traditional gown, I said I looked so mature(old) with that hair style. Well, she put one more fake hair at another side to make it look younger. Yes, she did it.
- For traditional gown, I was wearing my own high heel shoe which not match with the gown. I asked George will you shoot for my full body. Before he answer, Jess told us she has red shoe... Jian Kang (asistance of George) was helped me bring that shoe for me.
- For the blue gown wedding, Jess brought me hand accessory at the middle of shooting.
Well, for the photo session... we started the indoor first.
1st gown - Can Can + black coat with white tie, relax style
2nd gown - Blue tight gown + black vest with blue tie, George style
3rd gown - Yellow gown + beige coat with bow tie, George style
4th gown - tranditional gown, George style
OK, it was fun. Before 4th gown, we took our lunch (chicken rice) at around 2:30PM. After 4th gown, we prepared to going out for outdoor shooting. Jess said she wanted to go wash room where almost done for my hair style. I waited for ~20 minutes... Jess and George were discussing their arrangement stuffs. We arrived Teluk Kumbar ~5PM... new place for me. SanKaLa place via Malay village. Forest, old all and beach shooting. Luckily today weather is good... we able to take a sunset photo at the rock side. I was asking when we go to the jetty side... George were surprised and saying that we are running out of time to go jetty already because now already sunset... no more sun light when arrive there. Now I only know the Jetty place is not in his schedule. Well, I insisted to go because this is the main place I want to take photo... not forest not beach. We mis-communication... I'm not aware he don't know I want to go Jetty. Before this, we did discuss about the place for shooting... I said I like blue sky. So to him, I wanted natural place... correct, not wrong at all. But to him... natural is mean forest and beach side - teluk kumbar. That is the ideal place for him. Well to me... I want Jetty -> beach -> building -> transport -> forest. I thought the forest + beach + jetty is near together... and this is his schedule. Well, the Jetty is located at Batu Maung and jetty is not in his list. Anyhow, we arrived there and found that... I like the view VERY MUCH! It is the good place for me to take photo that I wanted! George tried to take few for us... but from his face... I know that the photo does not looks nice becaue the sky is getting dark... the effect is not good enough. I suggested we sit at there and he help us to take it from that angle... we get our post but... he tried... end up he said really can't make it even thought we have the portable light. No choice, I only can bring my 'can't let it go' mood get back to the van. Me... no mood already. Felt not syiok... not syiok why George did not allocate the time for Jetty... not syiok why George did not double confirm with me the place... and not syiok why I did not ask it earlier, did not confirm it earlier.... I feel so sayang we did not take a nice photo at this place... I already got the posing for it... aiiiii...
Complain? Yes, only 2 things... 1. mis-communication 2. I don't like some of the poses that requested us to pose. That's why I tried to pose by myself and some he accepted. 3. I shown him some of the photos that I collected. He willing to see but turn back he using his own shooting style. Now I only know... what is the main point I should look for the photographer.
Anyhow, god bless us... no rain today and everything is running well. Only thing is.... JETTY :(

Package we signed up.
Photography Session:
20x15 Creative Artwork Design Album 10 Pages (30 poses)
20x30 Enlargement Photo & Frame with Lamination (1 pc)
2 Wedding Gown, 2 Evening Gown, 1 Traditional Gown & Accessories For Photography (Ideal's Collection)
1 Outdoor Location
80+ Photo Sample for selection
1 Make up for photography session
5 Image styling & Hair do
1 Photographic Flower
1 Original copy CD (30 copies - same poses)
Wedding Day:
1 wedding gown & accessories
1 evening gown & accessories
1 groom coat & accessories
1 bridal hand bouquet + 3 corsages were changed to 8x12 photo with frame
1 car decoration
Paid 30% down payment - free 4 items. We selected
a. Custom made Album Bag - Leather
b. Additional 1 groom coat
c. Additional 1 evening gown for dinner day (Ideal's Collection)
d. 3.5"x5" Album 1 Set (20 Poses - Same as album)
We paid 50% down payment which can upgrade 1 wedding/evening gown to designer collection for photography session.

This is the NOTE for the couple... preparation and precaution before and during photography session.

Bride shoe, RM56 after discount.

Nail Art, RM75 (RM15-tips, RM60 - design)

Nail glue from SASA, RM12 after discount.

Silicon Bra, RM39.90. This bridal house also selling this brand of bra, selling price is RM80!

Collagen ampule (left) bought from bridal house, buy 4 free 1.
Aqua ampule (right) gave by my facial beautician but I can't use it because it is in oily type. Well, Jess applied it on Alfonso's face.

2 eye lasher were used. Total cost me RM40.

Body foundation, RM60

After photography session, we need to pay 30% as 2nd payment for package which is RM720. The rest 30% have to pay after the photo selection session which is on this next Saturday 5 Dec 2009. Another receipt is the stuffs that I used for the today photography session.

I lost 3 nail art after that :-(
Have to go back and do the new one for that 3 pcs.

My makeup after take off the eye lasher. Can't see clearly here.
Well, I'm so nervous to see the photo on next Saturday. Don't know it is good or bad. Sure I will complain a lot. Alfonso already has preparation to listen my complaint.