Sue, Nikki, SK, Alfonso & Funnysky....!
Ahead to Balik Pulau... up & down hill...
Enter Balik Pulau small town...
When reach T-junction... turn right....
Ahead... about 800 meter... destination is on your right....
Here it is! There has a lot surprises behind this house...
"Water Fish"
Few chicken farm... Luckily no flu... Now only H1N1 flu... no related to chicken!
1st time saw white feather with black skin... 乞丐鸡?
Another type of chicken... don't know what it call...
Rabbit with black eyes...
Rabbit with red eyes...
Little bunnies...
Siao siao...
Turkey! It looks elegant... walk slowly slowly...
It is the King!... Today protagonist...
Waiting for EAT....!
What she doing?
"Durian Cake"...
Uncle showing his open durian kung fu...
Wow... Wow.... Looks yummy!
More more more....!
They did serve with nutmeg drink ohhh....!
We had few different type of Durian... Not remember all the name already... Uncle highly recommended "Green Skin 15" for us... he said this type was Champion in Durian Competition last time. 5 of us were only spent RM50 for almost 8 biji of Durian...
Lim’s Brothers Estate
Lim Chong Teng (Peng Siew)
51, MK. 5, Titi Serong,
11000 Balik Pulau, Penang
Tel: 04-866 8551
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