*All lucky draw item doesn't include OS and laptop doesn't have RAM.
Why SPSN organized this event?... " I Guess, I Guess, I Guess Guess Guess"
1. Too many laptop left after retrenchment?
2. Boost up our morale?
Should be ba... Not bad what, at least company will take concern about employees. Event though no more annual dinner, no more team building, no any activity which need spend much $.

Gather to get the door girft -> bag & mug.

Buffet is ready... but can't start yet.

Buffet by Eden oh...

Wow, various type of kuih... but I x taste le.

Those tables are prepared for Vegetarian. See, they are so considerable.

Ais Kacang Stall...

Our PDC representative... "tolong, tolong!"

These are the lucky draw item - desktop. They are encouraged the winner to donate min RM10 for desktop.

These are the lucky item - laptop. A lot people eying on it ohh. Winner need to donate min RM20 fot this.

This is our Penang SPSN MD cum VP - CL Chooi.

Attendees... around 380+ peoples. I think SPSN only left this headcount... reduced from 1600 peoples.

Long Q.... Q up for taking food... Point out who is my department director? He was there...

My colleugues...

Luckily they separte in 2 'counter'...

My collueges as well... take take take... yummy...

Table is 'out of order'... we just can stand and eat here...

They are our PDC lucky draw winner for laptop... My future potential
米饭班主 also got one ohh...

Whole RDT team member also got, so lucky. See them, so happy.

This is door gift that I got... *not laptop :-( *
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