(Perth, Melbourne, Mornington Peninsula, Philip Island, Yarra Valley, Great Ocean Road, Grampians)
Period: 15 May 2010, Sat - 24 May 2010 Mon ( 10 days/8 days trip)
Season: End of Autumn
Temperature: ~4'C - 18'C
Total spent: ~RM4200 x2
a. Air Ticket =RM 2776.34
b. Accommodation = RM1211.08
c. Car rental = AUD29 x 6days x 3 rate
d. Petrol = RM458.25
This is our route. Air fare ( for 2 peoples):
PNG - KL & KL - PNG = RM146 + RM192
KL - Perth = RM388
Perth - Melbourne = RM953.34
Melbourne - KL = RM 714

Waiting for 11:50PM flight where we arrived LCCT at 6pm -_-|||

Yeah... can depart already after long long wait~

Aust arriving card. Big airplane among AirAsia... Susah to sleep... If I got $, I must buy lay flat seat already... only for long distance trip la.
After ~6 hours flight... after strict custom checking... arrived Perth's arriving hall lastly.
~5:45AM... outside very cold... smoke comes from your mouth when talking.
Calling his friend who in Perth...
Here they are... coming with their Honda! Free riding... hehe.
We went to their house and take shower 1st.
You know what is this? This is mandarin orange tree ahhh. In malaysia, we need to pay only get... here, just pick as you like.
|||||||||||||||||||| Part 1 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Riverside Drive@Nedlands.... Nice scene... I love it... captured by FunnySky oh!
Can see this kind of duck in every place where has river.
Cold weather with nice scene... not like M'sia... hot hot hot!
And capture.... (capture our shadow)
Good sunshine... made my eyes can't open big big...
Another post...
Syiok horrrr?

Crispin was chasing those ducks... bad guys ;p
||||||||||||||||| Part 2 ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Our 1st breakfast@La Galette de France
variaty of bread...
One of their Menu...
We are in PARIS now!

Their kitchen... just behind their shop in short distance. Crispin & Felicia had been worked here. One of their boss very looks like Diana Pricess who attended C&F wedding on Feb this year. She is nice... from France le.
Proton Satra@ Australia

Our breakfast... ordered too much already... we 4 peoples can't finish it... 'ta-pao' lo, hehe.

Our drinks... why miss one geh? Ohh... Felicia no order...

We just managed to taste the bread in left top. Look like Tosai, right? But it doesn't! It was so so YUMMY! The rest 3... after ta-pao... did not eat after 2 days... throw it ;p

Special croissant... forgot what it call... this is their signature bread... had been reported in their local newspaper leh... very nice... I miss it le... Crispin, make one for me, please.
|||||||||||||||||| Part 3 ||||||||||||||||||||||||
After eat, where we go?? --> WAU - university of western australia@Nedlands
Europe acients style... the huge clock looks like an eye...
There is no fence or gate... total open
Blue sky, green glass... so beautiful

She is Felicia...
Lovely husband and wife... Crispin & Felicia

I like this photo... captured by FunnySky!
Captured by Alfonso!
|||||||||||||||||||| Part 4 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Next station - Beach@Cottesloe
Freeze, fresh, calm, and clean! Birdy everywhere...

|||||||||||||||||||||| Part 5 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||

Their market... E-shed market@Fremantle... Near the sea. Their market is clean and no bad smelling at all. Everything is organised.
|||||||||||||||||||| Part 6 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

Parking@Fremantle... cari makan lo...

Here, famous Fish & Chip...
Our lunch was here! Was NO1 Fish&Chip... Cicerello's
Address: 44 Mews Road, Fremantle WA 6160

This was our lunch... Family Pack AUD 49.95 which 50% discounted. If no discount, it cost ~AUD100!!! Chips, crab sticks, fish fillets, squids, pieapples & 2 boxes salad. Serve for 4-5 persons. Left top is the bell... it will ring when your food is ready... you may go and get it at counter.
|||||||||||||||||||| Part 7 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
|||||||||||||||||||| Part 7 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

After lunch, back to their apartment... took whole night flight... is time to rest for a while already. Studio apartment... not so spacious but good enough for 2 persons stay.
What is this? Oven? BBQ rank? It is heather... haha! Cold cold le...
||||||||||||||||||||| Part 8 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

Energy recharged (nap till ~5pm)... continue lo... This is the Churh which just near by their apartment.

|||||||||||||||||||| Part 9 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hmm... not sure what this place call. Cruise service which take people from here to opposite where is the Perth City Centre.
Their life looks relax.... I want, I want!
Sky getting dark lo... just ~5:30PM
One Ang Mo Lang offered himself to help take picture for us.
||||||||||||||||||| Part 10 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||

Dinner@Viet Hoa, Vietmanese Restaurant!
Need to queqe one le... a lot peoples come and eat... not only Asian... they Mat Salleh also like it. Is that really delicious?
Need to queqe one le... a lot peoples come and eat... not only Asian... they Mat Salleh also like it. Is that really delicious?

Their Menu.... got satay?!! got Bo Lui ( no money)?!! Bo Lui also very expensive. Their food price (for restaurant) is almost same as M'sia. But they are in AUD, we are in MYR. For us, of cause damn expenvise.

Order order.... hungry liao.

Up-mid one very very very very very very NICE! Want to order 1 more for myself... but quite expensive. I ordered dried noodle, just so so. Alfonso, Crispin and Felicia ordered beef/pork noodle soup... their soup is tasty... yummy!
||||||||||||||||||||| Part 11 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||

Night city view from King's Park.
Taken by my compacy Nikon... vs...

Taken by Alfonso's SLR Nikon. Which one better? Hehe.
At least can capture people at night. My compact not bad one oh ;p
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