Route: Silicon valley -> Gilroy Premium Store

Dim Sum @ Chinese Restaurant... funny is... they already calculated the tip for you.. at least 15%...goshhh... Tips culture here made me SICK!
What I seen... it has total 9 buildings...
Android office building... very attractive... like entering kindergarten.
Android huge logo...
Amazing... we saw near by is Google Map office building... No chance to take the photo there... coz we are running out of time... Really can't imagine 2 young peoples established this big company... the area of Google office occupied is like our Penang FIZ phase II... it is larger that Yahoo Office.
Finding Facebook Headquarter... very hard to find... GPS brought us here... Stamford University... very big compound...
Yeah... finally... we found it! We doubt... suppose should be in Blue? We thought we got a wrong place at first.
There office building... It is not as big as the company like Yahoo, Google... Just 1 (old) building located near resident area. I really can't believe it. Mark Zuckerberg and his partners are such have a good money plan minded. Good or bad?
Trying to capture the office inside...
Behind there has only 1 basketball court.
Visitor Parking area.... near lobby...
Facebook lobby... That is the entrace to the office... no photo is allowed.
I'm here!!!!
Our dinner.... In and Out...
My hamburger...
All is fresh... fresh meat... never frozen... potatoes are peeled and diced in front of you...
Our 战利品... spent almost USD300... 3 out of these thing only is belong to us... :(
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