Race To Witch Mountain (English)
A pair of siblings with paranormal powers goes on a run from a diabolical group of men who wish to exploit their abilities.
Genre: Adventure / Comedy / Science Fiction
My Rate: **
> 原来这部是关于UFO。 我以为只是特异功能。感觉这套是给小孩子看。属于POWER RANGER 那类。。。每逢周末早上都会播的那类。 不同是它比较"高级"一点。
> 原来这部是关于UFO。 我以为只是特异功能。感觉这套是给小孩子看。属于POWER RANGER 那类。。。每逢周末早上都会播的那类。 不同是它比较"高级"一点。
City Of Ember (English)
Two teenagers must race against time to help the citizens escape before the lights go out forever in their once illuminated city.
Genre: Adventure
My Rate: ***
> It does not mention what is the cause of the end of the world and how/why those peoples can re-live in the surface of the earth. Maybe these are not the main point of the movie. But I am wondering.

Love Matters (Mandarin)
A romantic comedy revolving around 3 main protagonists and their views on love, happiness and issues concerning our straight-laced society.
Genre: Comedy / Romance
My Rate: ***
> 梁智强的戏都是反映现代社会的问题,附有教育性及带点好笑的拍摄手法。
> 梁智强的戏都是反映现代社会的问题,附有教育性及带点好笑的拍摄手法。
The Punisher 2: War Zone (English)
After hunting down and killing hundreds of criminals, Frank Castle, aka The Punisher, faces his most deadly foe yet - Jigsaw.
Genre: Action / Thriller
My Rate: **
>我没看第一集, 所以只能猜他的BACKGROUND。普普通通。有些情节它接不到。
>我没看第一集, 所以只能猜他的BACKGROUND。普普通通。有些情节它接不到。
Slumdog Milionaire (English + Indian)
A poor boy enters India's "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" and shocks the nation with his answers but some suspect foul play.
Genre: Comedy / Drama / Romance
My Rate: ****
> 有趣。故事内容丰富,拍摄得不错。我喜欢那小孩从粪坑里跑出来拿明星的签名。很好笑。
Oscar Best Picture forerunner about a man (Brad Pitt) born old and ages backwards. Also starring Cate Blanchett.
Genre: Drama
My Rate: ***
> 题材很特别。 但故事情节有点乏味,慢。
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