春天花会开...鸟儿自由自在... [歌:春天花会开 唱:任贤齐]
这 几天我国-马来西亚 (Malaysia), 洲属-槟城 (Penang), 地方-Bayan Baru的几条街都开满了红及白的花朵. 看似日本的樱花移民到大马来了. 每年的三月都会出现这种美景...恰好也是樱花盛开的时候. 昨天放工我也用我的手机...跑去和它拍了几张. 由于手机的摄影功能没那么好, 所以upload我同事forward给我的照片. 这美景吸迎很多人停下车拍照留念. 我不懂这树叫什么名. 您懂吗? 与我分享吧...!
Recently, we can see such beautiful view around the Malaysia. All these pictures was took at Bayan Baru area ( State: Penang). Look like Sakura, isn't? Yes, I feel like I'm in Japan now. This will happen on March in a year... I think blooming period is very short. Its flower will be gone after 2 weeks and turning back to its 'original' where only green leaf . This view attract a lot of people stop by and take a photo. Me... of course I did too... I took few photos with my mobile phone's camera but the picture quality is not as good as those using SLR camera as showing below. So I upload the pictures which forwarded from my colleague and share with you guys. Anyone know about what tree is that? I have no idea. Please share with me...
这 几天我国-马来西亚 (Malaysia), 洲属-槟城 (Penang), 地方-Bayan Baru的几条街都开满了红及白的花朵. 看似日本的樱花移民到大马来了. 每年的三月都会出现这种美景...恰好也是樱花盛开的时候. 昨天放工我也用我的手机...跑去和它拍了几张. 由于手机的摄影功能没那么好, 所以upload我同事forward给我的照片. 这美景吸迎很多人停下车拍照留念. 我不懂这树叫什么名. 您懂吗? 与我分享吧...!
Recently, we can see such beautiful view around the Malaysia. All these pictures was took at Bayan Baru area ( State: Penang). Look like Sakura, isn't? Yes, I feel like I'm in Japan now. This will happen on March in a year... I think blooming period is very short. Its flower will be gone after 2 weeks and turning back to its 'original' where only green leaf . This view attract a lot of people stop by and take a photo. Me... of course I did too... I took few photos with my mobile phone's camera but the picture quality is not as good as those using SLR camera as showing below. So I upload the pictures which forwarded from my colleague and share with you guys. Anyone know about what tree is that? I have no idea. Please share with me...

图1 - 整条街开满了'樱花'呢 'Sakura' along the street...
图2 - 是不是很有在日本的feel 呢 Feel like in Japan???
图3 - 这就是白色花朵的样貌 Blooming white...
图4 - 这就是红色花朵的样貌 Blooming red...
图5 - 这是它的花蕾 Flower buds...
Updated-16 Mar 2009: Received more and more email regarding this...
Updated-20 Mar 2009: Even posted by the tourism of penang government website. Now I know what this tree is... called Tabebuia Rosea in scientific terms.
Visit http://www.visitpenang.gov.my/portal/latest-news/1-latest-news/554-sakura.html
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