Travel Duration: 22 Feb 09 - 27 Feb 09
Season: Peak
Accommodation: Pineapple Guesthouse, Karon (800 baht per night)
Currency Rate: 1MYR = 9.5 BHT
Total Spending: ~MYR1.5k
DAY1 - 22 Feb 09, Sun.
"Free and Easy"
Direct flight from Penang to Phuket. Arrived Phuket airport almost 5pm (Phuket's time zone is slower than Malaysia 1 hour). There have a shuttle bus to fetch us from the airplane to the terminal even just a few steps distance... so consideration. We already arranged the driver inadvance to pick us from airport to our hotel. More accurately is Guesshouse... haha, not hotel. It tooks us more than half an hour to reached the Pineapple Guesshouse & Bar. Surprisingly, the owner is european who has a Thai wife. Since it is guesthouse, of course there have no grand lobby and renovation but simple and nice. This is the shop lot type accommodation. Groud floor is small office attached with owner's bedroom. Next of this is owner's cafe. 1st floor is doom room and internet facility. The top floor is the air-cond room and fan room. My room number is 8.
Gruuu gruuu gruuuu... hungry already. We went for dinner after put down all our luggages. We went to restaurant and ordered local Thai foods. This restaurant provided free salad. A lot Ang Mo Lang dine in… maybe because they have served western food. I looked around, no any table is ordered Thai food and I think only we are the Asian in this restaurant (of course not including the staffs there la~). After eating, we just walked around and looking for the best price of tour package.
View from airplane before landing
Shuttle Bus in Phuket's terminal (before arriving hall)
Phuket immigration check point

Almost can see it in every car

Pineapple Guest House and Cafe

Thai food, these is our 1st dinner

Handicraft stall

Ang Mo Lang also like 'Kong Min Teng'?

Banana Pancake, almost same as our Roti Pisang

"Mobile" seafood BBQ stall

Forgot what it call. Sour & hot, NICE!
Next morning, we woke up around 8am. After we had our breakfast in the Pineapple Café (American breakfast, 100 baht), we plan to rent a motorbike and ride along the beach which following the map that we got. We looked for around and end up got a cheapest bike rental – 200 baht per day (24 hours). We got us 2 auto gear motorbikes, in Malaysia called Honda Icon. It looks cool! This bike is so powerful. It even can carry 2 big size guys in hill road. I like it much. But, fuel consumption is quite high. The rule for the bike renting is they must keep one passport. We did look for other option see whether got any is no need keep our passport. Disappointed, they must keep passport or pay bike’s price ~25,000 baht as deposit. Well, we just deposited one of us passport to them. Luckily, nothing bad thing happen on it. Have a good deal! yeah, petrol there is a bit expensive than Malaysia (currently RM1.80 per liter). Full tank for this bike is around 50 baht.

We started our journey from Karon – Patong – Karon – Kata – Karon. Beach is very beautiful, crystal water if you see it from some distance. Weather was hot… super super hot. We stopped by Patong and walked around. Not so crowded in day time but totally different from Karon. Here got a lot shops, stalls, DukDuk (taxi)... etc. We had our lunch in food court of Junceylon Shopping Mall, Patong and had a Traditional Thai massage, (whole body massage), only 300 Baht/ hour. After that we ride and went to The View Point in Kata (FOC). Kata is a small area but crowded with the shop and hotel. Road is narrow (actually same as Karon) and got few intersections. That’s why we always missed out the junction that we should turn in to. The way we went to The View Point, we can see 1 or 2 stations for elephant ridding (one of the tourist attractions. But we did not take this tour) and can see an elephant on the road/hill side.

It’s time for dinner already. We looked for the seafood restaurant with the reasonable price. We saw there have one restaurant with open air along the way we going back to Karon from Kata… just some distances from The View Point. I think the good feature of this restaurant is its environment. You can have your dinner while seeing the nice view from the top. We just passed by this restaurant and end up; we went to the seafood stall in Karon. There have few restaurants over here and we just ‘cincai’ went in one. We ordered Tomyam soup, pineapple fried rice, 2 crabs and main dish- 4 tiger prawns! We spent around 1770 Baht: 2 crabs ~500+ Baht, 4 tiger prawns ~RM480 Baht. Consider cheap? I think so.

Around 10pm... we went to a Cafe to have some drinks and plan our schedule for coming few days.

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